Be Resilient

Be Resilient

Hi, I’m Matt Padgett with Keystone Mortgage. As a team we watched a really cool TED talk from Lucy Hohn on resiliency and the three things that really make people resilient. Those three things are:

First of all, bad things happen in life or difficult things happen in life and we have to accept that as fact. We’re going to have to deal with those in our life.

Second of all is the ability to change focus and really ask yourself the question is, “Hey, what I’m doing… is that good for me right now or should I be doing something else?”

And then the third thing is gratitude. Be grateful for what you do have as opposed to what you don’t have or what you’ve lost.

We really found this video to be helpful in all types of resiliency and would love to be able to talk about these with you. Give us a call 865.909.0211.

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